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Our desires and their solutions

Satisfaction or troubleshooting?

xxxx Everybody has desires. Some of them are common, another ones uncommon, in some cases were specified as abnormalities and denoted, marked with number as diagnosis or even criminal act. Nowadays hardly any desires can be fully satisfied – this aspect perhaps forms part of human slavery. In addition, satisfaction of our desire would set our partners at ease, too.
Model problem: Likeable young woman longs for caress and many men would like to stroke her cheek every time they meet her. But she does not allow them to do that because she loves only her beloved one who lives a long way out and they did not see each other for two years.
I would like to share my personal experience. I have looked round for a woman, one after another, to satisfy my desires, but unsuccessfully and consequently I repeated my tries. Recently I got acquainted with other eight women concurrently to find a soul mate sooner, but again to no purpose. Therefore I attempt to solve this problem by means of this article. As a matter of fact, I thus complain about arduous life – its difficulties were caused by my desires. What kind of desires and current dreams? I indulge in bareness. I get a thrill when somebody sees my naked body. In other words, I am exhibitionist – once this was regarded as misconduct. I do not walk naked along the street, but I do at home, in a forest or when I participate in naturist parties. In addition to that, I yearn to watch naked women or at least to see part of their bodies, but I have encountered such opportunity only in the company of naturists – in private on no account. I also feel to massage women – two ladies let me do that and they liked it very much. And likewise I hunger for spending a day with woman in wellness where visitors do not wear swimsuits – they are at most just draped in a bath towel. Such are my desires which are hopelessly unsatisfied. Therefore I write this article since I suppose that I just draw attention to a general problem. However, I am not sure of that – it is why was here submitted introductory questioning.
And did I get somewhere with those eight women? The first lady has a boyfriend and health problems. The second one has boyfriend far away – and so I came to nothing again. The third female has debts and she does not thing of anything else. The fourth one married an unfaithful spouse, but she would not cheat on her husband in any case. The fifth madam made an agreement with her friend that she will be faithful to him. The sixth one is an entrepreneur and workaholic – she has distinctly different desires. The seventh squaw set forth on angelic journey and she consequently ended all relations. The eights one just promises and makes excuses – I do not know what is the true cause.
Well then, these are my achievements as far as relationships are concerned. Maybe I arrived at such situation in order to advise my customers and lady clients how to establish flourishing and functional personal relationship. I am not sure whether I am adequately acquainted with desires getting hold of these women, but I assist in resolving their mundane and psychological problems.
Yet I add that only one intimate relationship with woman sets me at ease – my relationships with other women can be defined just as labour relations. And make a note of Pohodicka’s equation:
Virtuous women = aggressive men
Some successful trainers make good use of this dependence. For example, few days before competition they forbid sportsmen coached by them to make love.
Let me modify Pohodicka’s theorem:
Loving women = lovely men