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What kind of world I wand


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For something you need conditions and people, for two activities you do not need anyone: 1) to establish your own personal life plan, and 2) to spend your money that is available. While it is true that these two values are contingent situations that we have a whole lot of obligatory payments, but other values are completely under the influence of social conditions and relationships. This article, a kind of an essay, is to relate to the program, which we can dream of without asking anyone what to do and everyone can and should do it because emitting of ideas and desires can start favorable social and power changes.
At the very beginning of planning of a new functioning and rightful society, it must be reminded that we are basically different from each other, each of us has an interest in other experiences, different emotions and different lifestyles. We can exclude only demonic beings, persons who only attack at all, are unable to communicate or agree somehow and would solve everything only by force, violence and only on their own terms without admitting anything to anyone. So the violent and destructive egoists, we do not have to count with them, otherwise we have to count all. Someone wants a comfort and someone to take care of him, another loves pleasures, another is workaholic who acts only according to their will, someone can also love the risk, fear,adventure and adrenaline. Only totality as a manifestation of power selfishness does not respect human differences and asks everyone to act in the same, ideology and catechetical prescribed way. We will therefore respect the human interests and related creation of a spiritual, ideas and social life alternatives. Exactly what the church knows as sects and the FBI has consistently eliminated on the basis of the choice of either drink poison or a bullet in the head. The churche law does not use the word "sect". A system that does not allow to create social alternatives is a totalitarian system, regardless of what it calls itself. I wish therefore the world of divided power where each power space (continent, country, region, city, municipality) has their rights and a space for their own lifestyles but there will be no longer any Iron Curtains and the fences of barbed wire. People will be able to move freely from one State to another and settle here only on the basis of the interests of his profession, if the state does not want him, he will return home. Taxes will not be redistributed but remain at home and part of them will be used freely for the above. I promise for myself that there will be a small kingdom for me of the size of one house or farm.
Today's workers of many professions are at work ten or more hous, are tired, sick, are not interested in anything human and their relations are breaking apart. Their deployment is now causing a crisis of the overproduce. We have everything but systems are breaking down. Previously, it was solved by a war. Everything was destroyed so that people can continue to produce capital gains again before the war destroyes their results again. Such a solution is unacceptable. We will work according to our social needs not to ensure a parameter of production of GDP. Today, banks must pay the agreed amount of interest, regardless of its prosperity, which is winding up. Interest may be paid as a form of divident according to prosperity of a financial institution. Stock exchange also seem to be very risky institution and financial markets can certainly live without it. The whole financial area must also be fine-tuned for the credit system, which means that money will be held only by one who deserves it, not one who can skillfully use the financial system. We will certainly go back to the planned economy, is proved to be good, although we did not have computers, without which it is probably unthinkable to manage the economy at this level.
Another element that raises social destability, is a form of deputed power. No matter how the politician is prudent and efficient, he can be sure that he will leave by no more than two electoral periods because he does not get money for his election campaign and ends. As a rule, he does not get to a new election candidate. In addition, enforcement of any political project requires a large deployment and there can always be found a subject, for example, nature conservationists or activists who will sweep any proposal away. This leads to the fact that politicians think more for themselves and they do not want to make problems for themselves. This system was called a representative democracy knowing that it is not good but that there is nothing better. Pshaw, it could not be when all efforts to change this is consistently destroyed by those for whom the deputed power is a very good shield against civil disobedience and displeasure. Real power is somewhere above us not in sight, once represented by the nobility, now in the hands of the financial system and even higher. This is shown by the current time when the formal financial crisis is resolved by something higher by systemic support of selected economic entities. The power is in the hands of the genera, which I consider to be good, and I wish to restore the system of noble, but the nobility I would no longer put it here. Families must be given permanent power to retain their own spiritual support and their own credit. Administrative families will have power over their space, the city, region and will take care of its prosperity so that prosperity power could be provided to descendants, the other members of their family. Of this arrangement I promise to myself low administrative entropy, in other words, it will work to general satisfaction, and I will finally have for myself and my co-religionists a house or farm. So now, under these conditions I can dream about the world that I wish for myself.