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Life does not end with disappointment

Nobody takes away our hope

As a cause of our problems we should differentiate especially disappointment and impasse situation. Meant is disappointment within the meaning of losing illusion and impasse situation is here envisaged in terms of inextricable living conditions. In this context we will then resolve our lamentation, frustration and feeling that our life draws to an end.
We are disappointed due to our great forward looking expectations which were not met. After that we experience disillusionment or even grief. But we may sleep it off and next day adopt appropriate measures. From now on we will beware of such great expectations, empty promises and deceptive illusion. We will already discern between reality and dreaming. The subject of disappointment could be thus dropped, because everything incidental to it could take many shapes and we know solution.
More serious problem stems from bad living conditions. These may be related to a person or to his environment. In case of a man is at stake his health, mental state, and also preconceptions, blocks and his abilities. Environment has an effect on relationships, work, provision, social security and housing standard.
We will not find solution only by ourselves. Man alone may perhaps just give his room a good clean or give up. All the other things we have to solve within relationships and cooperation. Relationships and cooperation may apply to spiritual guides and inevitable powers which could direct us to assistance provided by people occurring nearby, including individuals who are handicapped likewise or similarly, and may apply also to good counselors, assistants and eventually society if it could offer some possibilities to us.
I have developed a thesis as far as financial impasse is concerned: paupers without any property may borrow money from people who do not question anything with them. Then they just risk that they might be included into list of debtors – and the state will consequently print more money. But I neither wish nor recommend anybody such alternative.
I have enlarged upon a thesis concerning relationships and cooperation. Relationship is a form of cooperation. We certainly should not expect that somebody will help us gratuitously and permanently. If we settle our situation accordingly and endeavour to ease it, then we consider our possibilities and who could make use of them. There are many options. We will prefer such opportunities which secure rather benefits than finances. However, yet one more problem emerges. Our heart is confined by many blocks, so that we are not able to make use of plenty good advices and we do not manage unreasonably to meet a number of requirements. I think that this short instruction indicates sufficiently how to find some solution in difficult situation. We know that troubleshooting is based on consensus. And if you do not figure anything out, let me know. We shall try to find solution together.