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The Ark of the Covenant

lg-terra.jpg (6966 bytes) The document originating from Atlantida regulates relations between groups and people also.  
1 Man is lord of his own planet.
2 Man is created by higher power.
3 All beings on the planet have to live in peace and agreement.
4 The planet belongs to everyone and its riches must be distributed fairly.  
5 All persons are equal before God.  
6 Any entity (group, people and animals) has its place here.  
7 Every subject has a name, identity and credit.  
8 Every creature must be treated with love.  
9 Killing for food has its own rules decided by the Universe and realized by administrators of the nature.  
10 One can not be killed.  
11 Anyone who has a mission in life should be allowed to fulfill it.  
12 Anyone coming or leaving from space becomes terrestrial and is bound by this Convention and other laws of the Universe.  
13 Everyone can live here in a way that suits him best.  
14 No person is allowed to intentionally harm another.  
15 God's justice is acessible for everyone.  
16 Each entity has its own spirituality.  
17 Everyone is permitted to self-deffense.