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subjects, entities
people, families and genera, groups, nations and entities

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FrameworkRelationships, Energy, Information, Style


entities and their capabilities
To consider the body are individuals and groups in which they are collected on the basis of common characteristics, interests, or administrative units. Each entity has some of its characteristics, abilities and memory, thus differs from others. Common feature of all is to prosper and do well, to meet their physical and spiritual needs. This requires and provides some opportunities and because the options are endless, created conflicts of interest, conflict and relationship strategy from parasitic to symbiotic. Crucial to the function instead of entity, its performance and benefits. What needs what is capable of and what it offers. Then there is a purpose-assessment aspect of good and evil. Power vnucením arbitrariness is reflected in its assessment of a foreign entity.

animals, wildlife
The animals stand on the stage of development of matter and the elements under creative creatures. It is an intelligent creatures that own diligence must first maintain the continuity of its species and genus. Most animals are part of the food chain. This system is managed and supported by spiritual system of elves. Spirituality determines which individual should be maintained for progeny and to be food. Every animal has during his life have food, security, love and comfort. End of life is to be respectful and neútrapné.
Spectrum of environmental demands on the planet allows modulation of the spiritual beings animating energy, through unicellular organisms, plants, insects and vertebrates to totemic and domestic animals from which the incarnate a new human being.
Previously, it was possible to survive in the wild collection and hunting, the possibility of an end to civilization. The task of man is the option to renew.

cult rod
Human beings have their origin in domestic and totem animals, many came from space, and each determines the origin of human qualities and the need for a different experience. Administrative system, which now leave, not taking into account these differences and creating a single common path and vertically in a hierarchical society was divided on the basis of spirituality and to favor entities operating on the basis of negative energy. At the beginning of the power systems were designed and interested families. They gradually changed in the dynasties of the administrative functions and the world ruled by families on the basis of the financial system and ownership of the means of production. The problem lies in the fact that after some time power groups begin to live their own life and leave the other social strata, which formerly made dependent on them. Between genders is a power struggle and power houses would remain the basis of administrative power, it is necessary to bring to this field system. The basis functions of the family is the dominating mechanisms incarnation and in the common cult.

Privacy is a living space of individuals or closed groups of people with their own lifestyle, which applies only to persons and members of the group and not the way people nezapojených. Everyone is interested in experiencing a different style, a different lifestyle and this view looking fellow associates and the group with a program that is consistent with its principles. Information from the privacy nevynášejí, one does not come into foreign policy. Privacy is intended for a way to experience, to practice their own life values. It is not a basis for power despotism. To their surroundings, External Relations will apply different rules and may be rules that create a higher form of privacy, such as individual, family, genus, cult, community, nation, entity, race.

middle class
Roman system of shared humanity privileged to 15% and 85% of subjects, simple. Elites are not Persians, and elite Jews. Tools for maintaining this state was primarily knowledge, information, financial system, professional duty and the Church. After the invention of the printing press to spread knowledge and create a prerequisite for the enhancement of ordinary people. Later, as a result of the industrial revolution and the overseas discoveries and colonization of the population she could create a middle class. Strongest position the intermediate layer in the Art Nouveau period in art that was the period of Mannerism. Elite to maintain and restore their status caused World War and later the 2nd World War, during which decimated the bourgeoisie, university humanities and business intelligence. Followed by a period of monopoly capitalism and globalization. Advancement of humanity and restore the middle class is also part of the New Age. Therefore, the New Age elite trying to discredit, destroy and overlay their own content.

People used to live in communities, courts, and objects which have a greater possibility of compassionate relationships. Monasteries are also a form of community. With social reasons, young people constitute squoty in abandoned houses. Community gives more options for survival than a small family and life here is easier and less expensive. Community with its own spirituality becomes a cult, sect. Ware company, however, prefer small families, with more consumption and are more tied to the administrative power.