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Mechanism of power

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1) According to historical practise social groups will develop and stabilize life values and a life style. Below as entity.
2) Individual entities are interested in their own life style, own values, which is displayed as culture of entity.
3) Power relations inside the ethnicity are developing according to social needs but society is united because power interests of all groups are the same.
4) If there is no contact with other ethnicities, there is no conflicts and violence.
5) Every ethnicity has its own territory that is a source of possibilities. If there is a foreign entity on a foreign territory, there will be a collision that is solved by violence.
6) We are not able to solve a collision between entities on one territory there is no higher arbitrage power.
7) If the penetrating power looks like peaceable and friendly it can penetrate easier. As soon as it gains power superiority it can enforce its power interests in a space and the space will be overruled.
8) If a new entity is good for the original entity for example by showing new life possibilities, it is accepted and respected. It is for example rituals of calling gods among Pacific and Amazon nations.
9) Confrontation of entities can have a lot of ways according to a state and activities of all entities in certain spatio-temporary.
10) Confrontation can run in every power level, worldly – fight and violence to body, medial – saying manipulating information and spiritual – black magic.
11) In our present spatio-temporary, medial manipulation and spiritual magic decide about new face of society because violent power has run out all its possibilities.
12) The highest value which can be accepted and enforced is a harmonic social system which can open a possibility to extend non-conflict and social model to other planets.
13) Non-conflict present intelligent culture and entities must be conserved, protected against liquidation or cultural change.
14) Nowadays there is nowhere any optimal civilized social system which could be applied without any change to conflict social models. Non-conflict social systems are only on a non-civilized level (animal and shaman).
15) Harmonization of civilized social entities must be preceded by creation and announcing of ideal theoretical social model.
16) Subsequently by social evolution with a support of public opinion to realize such a model in practise.