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Perspektivism - Thesis C

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Část 4. thesis as recommended principles 
500 Credo
The program of Perspectivism alias who is same - join us!
500a I do not wish any government and no influence of universal powers nor good or bad.
500b Earth-bound man has grown up in order to manage his things by himself.
501 1) I wish that everything good from the human point of view stayed conserved. o
502 2) I wish that every origin of the evil was punished and undone. a
503 3) I wish that every lie, dublicity, discrimination, discreditation, defamation, manipulation, illness, wars
and parasites disappeared from the world.


4) I wish that everyone told the truth and at the same time noone was forced to say anything. .
505 5) I wish that everyone had a right to joy of his/her life and nobody took it from him/her. .
506 6) I wish that the harmony among people was renewed and rightful requirements were respected. .
507 7) I wish that everyone was himself/herself and he/she did not pretend to be someone else. .
508 8) I wish that nobody nosed to someone's privacy. .
509 9) I wish that people were sympathetic to each other and they act in a good will. .
510 10) I wish that nobody defended people to comunicate with human ghosts. .


11) I wish that we had a possibility to get to know the whole truth about everything that concers us. .
512 12) I wish that every form of credits were in harmony with carmic credits, especialy financial appreciation.
513 13) I wish that nobody taught aggression nor any form of evil.
514 14) I wish that we all had a possibility to learn from our faults.
515 15) I wish that people could associate according to their interests.
516 16) I wish that everything that brings satisfaction and gratification was available for everyone.
520 Natural faith:   15.-16.12.2004     Belief:
521 1) I believe that everything around us is work of Creative beings.
522 2) I believe that a man is or can be good.
523 3) I believe that a man lives through ages in repeating incarnations.
524 4) I believe that human real world and spiritual world can cooperate.
525 5) I believe that a man can be prepared for creative service.
526 6) I believe that events (history) are noticed in spiritual chronicle.
527 7) I believe in a system where goodness and evil is taken according to a human point of view.
528 8) I believe in mankind future which will last more than a hundred millenniums.


Expectations (moral codex):


I know that a follower of Natural faith is expected to
531 1) act in goodwill and in good belief
532 2) keep the cult and strenghten the power of genus
533 3) be open to all who do not attack the cult
534 4) accept and to fulfil the life target
535 5) take care of children, to give them birth and to bring them up
536 6) behave the way he or she is able to defend it
537 7) respect privacy and interests of others
538 8) take care of his/her own spiritual and personal growth.
540 Spiritual conference
540a Message of a higher power: valuation, principles and tasks
541 1) The planet Earth is a confirmed archetyp, it is not alowed to distroy nor demage it. It is under protection of a higher power.
542 2) Earthly nature is a confirmed archetyp. It is not alowed to destroy nor demage nor change it. It is possible only to remove destructive elements and parasites.
543 3) Earthly man, all his races are a confirmed archetyp, it is possible to create a new race if it is for human benefit. Man have toreproduce himself by his own powers and according to his own decision upon a connection between a man and a woman.
544 4) The task for father ages is a creation of a harmonical social system with a direct responsibility of its creators and administrators (without a substitual power)
540b Principles of power for a new age:
545 1) personal credit is combined with a name. Everyone can act only by his own name and none can pretent to be another existing person.
546 2) information must describe reality. Those who evidently lies they loose their power.
547 3) confrontation is alowed on a level of argument. He, who enforces his arguments, strenghtens his power.
548 4) telepathic contact is alowed.
550 Conclusions of the conference:
551 1) Planet Earth is self-sustaining and independent on a will of cosmic powers. It is related to the end of a being of Christ who ... Consequently cosmic powers can not do and prepare any power practice on the planet Earth.
552 2) taking terresterial people to the other planets (leaving souls for heaven) is forbidden. But it is alowed to travel astrally under the condition of a free return.
553 3) god beings Jesus and Lord died. Their other form of existing is only human egregor which is arised because of power interests.
554 4) Nostradam prediction is all canceled.
555 5) a sin is the act that disturbs (destroys) the planet and the nature and that kills becouse of enforcing the power.
556 6) salvation is a promis of a life forever upon alternation between spiritual state and life in a body. Salvation can be ensured only by spiritual environment (cult, churche, sect).
556a Spiritual groups that enforce violence can loose the ability of ensuring the incarnation.
557 7) a man privacy consists of his home, a place for a car and a nature far from human residences.


8) anyone who wants to live differently, can do it in his privacy and can join with the other same persons and their number can reach almost one per cent of population. Those groups can not do power practice.
559 9) it is neccessary to look into the causes of all events and to find out consequences. Causual system is a base of human acknowledge.
560 10) administral and economic power should be established on the power races.
561 Substitual power did not proof good because of a limited responsibility. Power races can be alowed in Europe only by gods Ylod, Zeus, Bafomet and Belial.
562 Power races work under secular laws and in their privacy they keep habits of their cult. 
563 11) human effort is various and existing space can not be limited by detailed prohibition. Besides, opportunities are changing and therefore definition of prohibitions and commands is defined by secular laws. Spiritual conference force us to act in good faith and good will.
564 12) In the world there will be those gods: lord of the planet and its nature is Universum, Thoth is a lord of weather and natural changes, in India there rules Vishna, eastern Asia Budha, south America Inca, Northern America is left for Jews and many of its cults (Mormons, Metodists, Jehovists, cristians and others), Africa Hor, southwest Asia Islam. In Europe there can be incarnated beings of all civilization, that were destroyed by white race and there will rule Lucifer Ylod and Zeus (white race), Belial and Bafomet (red race). On the whole planet there can work animictic and shaman´s cults. Cults will move to their place within the incarnation. They can not do power practice on a foreign place.
565 13) every nation and every power can have armed groups on its territory but they can not send them and to keep them on a foreign territory.
566 14) using alcohol and soft drugs (thein, cofein, nicotin, chocolade) is alowed, production and spreading hard drugs (opium, extaze, pervitin) is forbidden. Mary Jane (marihuana) is a soft drug.
567 15) every sociaty must be solidary and within social silidarity there will be collected taxes. Moving of money must be clear and minimal. Defined taxes must be payed by everyone. Taxes are collected and used by political administrative which must be superior to economics. Incomes for personal consumption must be limited and separated from investments.
568 16) next spiritual conference will take place in four milleniums.