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Perspectivism - system

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  Part 1 God as a provider of a system 1st dimension
1 Being General rules of existence and growth, endevour to spread life in a whole material space. life 2
coexistence 5
space 6
      2nd dimension
2 God The basic lifeīs rule is expansiveness. limitation 3
3 God Mutual limitation of beings is ruled by inteligence, program and regulations (cosmic laws). system rule 19
inteligence 7
cosmic laws
4 God A part of inteligence must be memory and truth (real knowledge of reality and causation). memory 10
truth 11
5 God Coexistence must be on base of positive energy and activity of independent beings. good will 21
6 God Cosmic material space must be adapted to life and it can be managed the best by material beings led by the highest inteligence. Basic feature of space is its organization and orientation. inteligence in material body 12 18
      3rd dimension
7 Dominator Dominator is a spiritual being devoted to the program of higher dimension. The task is to bring the program into effect. Dominator can be any state or a man. devotion 24
8 Dominator There can be a big number of dominators and they can fullfil program wholy on their own and create own social groups on an allocated field. territory diversification 27
9 Dominator Every inteligent being has its name which joined with credit. name credit 11, 26
10 Dominator Everything that takes place in a material space must have its causes and it evokes a reaction. Every new experience must be valuated and memorized. good and bad 20
11 Dominator Truth is a real description of reality and thinking. Calculated wrong saying is a lie, it spoils credit and can be punished by a loss of power. truth and lie
12 Dominator According to the fact that among dominators there can be argueing, there is established arbitration which is fulfiled by a being in a material body. History showed that dominators (gods) are not able to solve their disputes on their level. Material arbiter has punishing means for reaching a settlement. At the same time he is able to protect his own planet (terriotory) from cosmic (foreign) influence. punishment 28
planet 23
own territory
protection 14
13 Dominator Dominator organizes directly or implicitely incarnation of material bodies. incarnation
14 Dominator Existence of dominator is protected. protection
15 Dominator On one territory there can be only one dominator and one social system. There can be minor cults. exeptionality

minor cult

16 Dominator Funcion of every dominator is time limited and termination is known to public. term
17 Dominator Dominator wills through his prophets who have his protection and power to will. prophet 25
wittness 25
18 Dominator Inteligence in material body can have a lot of faces. Spiritual world must always have a possibility to stop activity of a system. termination
19 Dominator Dominator rules every evolution processes. evolution
20 Dominator Attributes of dominator: reliability, wisdom, persistnce, fairness, patience and personal creative features. attributes


21 Dominator The result of dominatorīs work is a social system, carmic system and career rank and their fulfilment. carmic system

career rank

22 Dominator Successful dominator can become a god (cosmic master). awards
23 Dominator After termination a dominator has a right to deside of his own doom. Usual preference: continuation, a rest, incarnation or end. preference
24 Dominator Spiritual beings say their will through medial persons. medium 25
      4th dimension
25 Medium Every man can deside for medial service freely as a form of life mission. life mission
26 Medium Medial person or medium, shortly medy is a person who is protected but who underlies godīs ordeal. protection
27 Medium Medium can be a wizard with specific abilities needed for enforcement of intention. magic 30
28 Medium Medium is loyal to its dominant being but can comunicate with all other beings. relationship
29 Medium Medium can do meditation, telepathy, automatic writing, forecast, intuition, invention and it has personal creative and protective abilities. meditation
automatic writing
30 Medium Medium with a special abilities can be a baptist, penal wizard, discoverer, artist, witchman, ... baptism