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The basic value circle  

 At the beginning of my avenue to wisdom there was a figuration of the basic value circle. In pursuance of its understanging I was able to understand social relationships, motivations and human values. It has two main not depending axises, the axis of sense and the axis of possibilities. The axis of sense contains "software", knowledges, conviction, information, wisdom and the axis of possibilities, "hardware", describes what we get from the material reality, especialy the property, equipment, subjects, production instruments etc. Secondary axises I call social and individual. Everything that lies on the social axis is defined by the form of belonging to the sociaty, everything that lies on the individual axis is a matter of oneself only.
    Single relationships between parts of the circle show patterms of a personal grow and motivations, relationships and conditions. Starting and target value is the personality. We come out of it and we return to it stronger or weakened by the way through the circle. Personality contains abilities, skills, talent, orientation, characters. In the part of the activity we can find out the way of entering the social relationships. The part of the freedom contains everything we can use or we have got at our disposal. On the basis of it we can figur our own personal program. For the realization of our program we must know some kind of theory, we must be wise. After we manage this part we can get our way by a form of functions or servises. The result of our endeavouring are some kind of material goods which are contained in the part of the property. There we can find everything we reached and that belongs to us. Well-being means living standard and the living standard develops our personality. Try to find other patterms of so composed life values.