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Lesson of the tarot-card-reading  lg_kurz.gif (3280 bytes)

Tarot cards comes from the old Egypt as a help with a communication between a man and Gods in the times when the human brain was reduced after a genetic hit and the free telepathy was removed.

The page is for those who want to know how to read the tarot cards for themselves and for others. To the tarot card-reading you need to have cards, the card-reading key and invention. Study pictures of the cards and the card-reading key. The key is derived from the Basic value system, which is described here: ../literatura/hlce1.htm#xx02   and here ../osobni/hodnoty.htm

Those too articles mentioned above will help you to understand presented card reading key. Every card means some kind of a comunication system and it is very important especially for the combination of cards chosen at the same time (selection). That iswhy I select 3 cards and if a meaning of the combination is opened (not ended), I select one more card. It depends on the sequance of selection.

BUY CARDS - THERE IS A LOT OF KINDS OF THEM! They are sold in esoteric books. Do not mix tarots and tarocs.

You will receive with cards also a handbook in which there is a basic card-reading key. You can change it if you want. If you want to try your way of card-reading that is all you need. The way of a card-reading and the card-reading key in not obligatory but it is recomended. But, it must be definitely clear before a card-reading.

Process of a card-reading and the principles:

1) spreading and selection of cards: for quick orientation selection we select by chance cards from the packet. For regular selection we select cards well spreaded on a table.
2) question: before selecting cards there are these possibilities: a) question is set b) question is not set. If you do the card-reading to someone else, then the person can say his/her question or he/she do not need to say that question. In the first case the answer is then more clear, in the second case the answer is very commen and it should help to answer the question.
3) selection of the cards: for answering the qustion we select 3 cards from the packet or from the spreaded cards. After the selection you turn the selected cards with pistures to you and you study them.
4) you can say the meaning of the selected cards according to the card-reading key and you can clearify the meaning of the cards according to the sequence of the selection and the combination.
5) you can say the meaning of card-reading and you can ask the other question for clearifying the meaning. You repeat the selection or you can ask the other question. At the end you can make the résumé of the card-reading.
6) if the card-reading is not favourable, you will go on with selections and you will look for the ways of solutions. One of the question could be a question about the risks.
7) there is a big advantage if you are good in psyvhology, magic, pedagogy and sociology.
8) for every card-reading you must be open-minded and sensitive. You can not have a wish or an expectation of a result.
9) you should have a positive relationship with a person you are making a card-reading for and you should want to help him/her.
10) before the card-reading you should make some card-reading for you without questions in order to relieve mental desire to say something.
11) during the card-reading do not eat, drink, nor smoke. The room has to be in order as a demonstration of a respect to invention.
12) if the cards slip down, it is s sign not to do any card-reading.
13) you can not do a card-reading for a person or situation in which you are personaly involved.
14) do not give cards to another person but the person who is asking can shuffle the cards.
15) the result of the card-reading is confidential, do not say it to another person even if it does not connected to her or him.
16) the card-reading helps to deside which way to go. If it leads to a pasivity than it did not suit the purpose and it rather hurt.

Every card has a symbol with a wide meaning.

The cards of a big Arcan (a big Secret) have given the meaning, but you can add the card-reading key of a small Arcan. My card-reading key is on page KEY where you can find the meaning of those cards. There is a system which is easy to remember.

The basic sense of the card-reading is in combination of the cards

I use Crowly tarots which contains 2 + 22 + 4 * 14 cards, it is 80 cards. If you choose 3 cards then it is 80*79*78 combinations (which is 492 960). It is not possible to describe all of those combination and besides their meaning could be different. You have to use your intuition and social sense. Now I select 3 cards and I show you their meaning:

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The first card is an ace of staffs, it is a card of a freedom and possibilities. The second card is the five of discs which means the basic financial crisis, financial deadlock. The third card is an ace of discs. It is a card of a property and material ensurance. It does not always mean a lot of money, it says the six of discs. Both aces are vice-versa on an axis of possibilities. The five of discs means the personal dilemma. It is not a causual matter. It is a conflict between the freedom and a property. One of the meaning could be: 1) the property will be a binding burden. 2) There will be a finance difficulties in order to a keeping of the property 3) it can not be a bankruptcy of a firm because there is an ace of staffs which means a big possibilities. 4) the selling of a part of property could bring new possibilities 5) the running from the responsibility of a keeping the property to a not-material inviroment 6) the use of the property (a house, a flat, an estate) without the chance to keep it and invest.

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I selected very strong cards which usualy do not connected to the normal personal card-reading. It could be the card-reading for a person with a big charisma or in a high function or for a big social groupe. The first card is the magician and means the impact of a magic and spiritism. It could also mean an impact of an envy, desire and a generosity. The second card is a high priest. It is a card of an official state power and its direct influence on an asking person. It could be a state social support, court proceeding or proceeding with offices. The third card is an ace of cups which means information and knowledges. It is a contra to the magician because it is much more scientific and it means knowledges among human beings. The whole combination could be connected to the relationship among knowledges, faith and ideology. You can choose which card is a giver and which card is a receiver. If a giver is a high priest, then it means that the administration wants to ingluence the information in very different ways. If a high priest is a receiver then the administration looks for information here and there. It misses an invention, it is helpless and that is why it accepts all sources of knowledges.

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This card-reading is very usual. Nine of swords says that the estimation of a relationship is right, the queen of staffs promises stabile and settled way of life. The card-reading is unambigous. The relationship is open, without tricks and surprices, you can not wxpect a substantial changes and there is an expectation of enough knowledges for a consideration of a situation. A person who is askig will allways have good view to live his/her life the way he/she wants.

Women often ask about their partnership. The question will be then about a partnership (it must be clear to whom it is connected):

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The first card is a knight of staffs. It is a card of conflicts and fights. In the middle there is a card of an Art, it is a card of personal abilities and skills. The third card means social impact. If the question was about a possition at work, it would mean conflicts with the management of a firm. But we examine personal relationship that is why the third card means conform atitudes. The card-reading says that there will be an arguing with a partner which will be a reaction to a personal atitudes which are contra to a request of society or of laws. The meaning: 1) a partner will force the other one to observe the laws 2) a partner will appeal in a conflict for social rules and morale. 3) both partners will like to have different ways of life. 4) It could also be a conflict between partners and a sociaty. 5) an impact of a big family to a partnership in order to separate them.

The other question is about a health

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The first card is a Hermit and it is a card of an isolation. It could mean a stay in a hospital or feebleness, but definetely some kind of an illness. In the middle there is a Sun, it is a card of very good destiny. The third card is the nine of staffs. The nines are cards of satisfaction of expectations and the staffs are connected to the way of life. The card-reading say: There will be an illness or an injury but it will quickly go better and everything will be in order soon. For card-reading about a health you can create a special card-reading key in an analogy to a meaning of the cards.

In a question about a habilitation and a moviong the card-reading key is connected to some kind of a transport medium.

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There is no such medium, we can say that there will be no moving. There is a seven of cups, it is a card of perdonal decisions. In the middle there is an ace of cups which is a card of a knowledge. The third card is the dark power of the Moon. If there was the Moon in a connection with an enterprise (undertake), it would be thwarted. In connection with a habilitation there will be an envy or not favour surroundings. The envy is in a relation with an ace of a cup which means an important knowledges. Someone in a place of his/her living or roommate will envy some knowledges which he/she will consider as an extraordinary ability. The first card, the seven of cups means that the asking person should face it somehow, we will look for a solution of that situation. The other possibility is that the dark power will use some knowledges contra the asking person. They can export him/her.

I think that after that short lesson you can not manage tarot-card-reading but it will be clear for you if you are predestined for tarot-card-reading or not. If yes, go your own way or you can buy some handbook and study. If you think that tarot-card-reading is not for you, do not despair. Everyone is talented and predestined for something else although the tarot-card-reading could do everyone.