
What will the new year 2007 be like and what will it bring?

lg_cz.gif (1112 bytes)  lg_esper.gif (713 bytes)
trikarty.gif (871 bytes) The first selection is without a question:
1 meprm.jpg (13061 bytes) ho04m.jpg (12743 bytes) aa26m.jpg (11914 bytes) PrH, people, 4H intimacy, 26A reparation. The year 2007 will renew bridges between people, good relationships and mutual confidence.
2 diprm.jpg (12987 bytes) me03m.jpg (13854 bytes) ho06m.jpg (9438 bytes) PriD good will, 3M searching a relationship, 6H success. People will build relationships in good will, they will be socially and labour successful because success in social and power relationships will be built above all on confidential and trustfulness relationships.
3 hokrm.jpg (12963 bytes) hopnm.jpg (15042 bytes) aa02m.jpg (15227 bytes) KrH sure post, PnH partnership, 2A high priestess and alternative spirituality. The power is gained by alternative spirituality and who is interested in a sure post he or she should turn to it. Inspiration will come from earth not heaven spirituality.
4 me07m.jpg (16779 bytes) po07m.jpg (11486 bytes) po04m.jpg (14396 bytes) 7M solving relationship, 7P searching and 4P agreement. People will search for a partner with the same view of the world, i.e. coreligionists and permanent partnerships (marriages) will be built between coreligionists.

Relationships in the world and in the world policy:

5 diprm.jpg (12987 bytes) me05m.jpg (17175 bytes) di05m.jpg (13890 bytes) PriD good will, 5M separation, 5D problems. After limitation of power post of Russia and the U.S.A. the space for individual policy of smaller power subjects including the united Europe is open. But those, who forget good will and solidity in relationships, will have problems. Violent post will not pass and will not bring any advantages.
6 me02m.jpg (13679 bytes) dipnm.jpg (16632 bytes) me04m.jpg (16339 bytes) 2M end of relationship, PnD advantageous relationships and 4M marriage, alliance. Old power relations will be braking down and there will be new ones on base of advantage and opinion understanding.

The post of European Union:

7 di03m.jpg (15784 bytes) porym.jpg (15855 bytes) me10m.jpg (16553 bytes) 3D hope, RyH new information, 10M elite. EU will be looking for its identity and its possibilities, it will start to profile in world scene as an independent world power.

The post of the Czech republic:

8 di02m.jpg (14342 bytes) di06m.jpg (14416 bytes) aa23m.jpg (13922 bytes) 2D help, 6D success, 23A error. We have to wait for success of our republic because we can not expect any help and we alone can not help ourselves yet.

Social post of commons:

9 aa14m.jpg (14039 bytes) aa06m.jpg (10686 bytes) po06m.jpg (15231 bytes) 14A art skills, 6A in love and 6P faith, religion. Prosperity and life success of all will depend on what religion or ideology he or she will choose. Someone will step on the path of freedom another one will stay where he or she is under an influence of total entities.

Social post of elite:

10 aa03m.jpg (16709 bytes) aa21m.jpg (12062 bytes) poprm.jpg (11959 bytes) 3A empress, alternative power and destiny power, 21A the world, creativity, PrP change of opinions. Power conflicts in restrictive area will bring new possibilities in business and alternative power. Members of elite will use good situation during limitation of power and they start or enforce their new business activities.

What will the weather be like and influence of nature:

11 aa22m.jpg (12244 bytes) aa03m.jpg (16709 bytes) aa18m.jpg (14912 bytes) 22A stop, 3A empress, 18A Luna. The weather and natural conditions and influences will be under control of positive destiny power and so we need not be afraid of unexpected changes and natural disasters.

The whole tarot-card-reading can be put in one sentence: people, turn to new spirituality! Search for freedom and new possibilities in common spirituality, big churches will not be the source of prosperity:

12 merym.jpg (9876 bytes) di04m.jpg (10840 bytes) di10m.jpg (13320 bytes) RyM office, authority, 4D personal power, 10D wealth and prosperity. It is it, the source of personal power is cosmic cult no more but earthly spirituality. Search for new sources and help for personal power and prosperity. I am wishing you all good.

-electronic oracle-
On base of random choice the program will choose the recommendation for you from 3600 possibilities.
date: 01-01-2007
0293 Between common people it is easy to accept good and refuse bad. And what can not be done by good not even by bad. It can not be done at all.
0472 You are walking on the wrong path. Search for argument of self justice.
0669 Turn back to your previous friends to your previous love. The separation was a mistake.
5329 Read very carefully all official horoscopes. You will understand the time and you will recognize the recommended life style.
Note: common spirituality is non-organized spiritual contact within the kind for benefit of a man and the planet, in contrast to cosmic cults which enforce power of other planets and foreign entities here.