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Natural faith is a spiritual program based on human spirituality and
creative cooperation between human world living persons and human spiritual
beings. Everything good that mankind got to know can be accepted to natural
faith: from Kelts their natural ritual Sambain, Beltane and others, from
budhists their domastic altar, from Antique development of human
personality, development of wisdom and also temple dreaming, from hinduists
temple prostitution and brahman wisdom, from tramps their love for nature,
from gormands joy from good meal, from bohemians their "women, wine and
songs", form christians their modesty and patience, from judes love for
money, from satanists personal power, from aristocracy their system of power
line and genealogy. We will honour and enforce principle according to which
every cult must mind its business and its prostperity and must not disturb
privacy of other cults. Natural faith can not be joined with Jerusalem cults
which respect Moses books. These forbid witchcraft, future predicting and
comunication with dead ghosts which is the base of natural faith.
Confessor of natural faith are especially persons acting on base of their
own conscience. They do not need show their faith, it is enough to act on
base of good will and to suppose good will in other persons. They realize
own spirituality within a clan in which one or more person fulfil function
of wizard who is a medial person who can accept messages from spiritual
world and he can talk to ghosts. He works with a pendulum and he can read
cards for members of the clan. Wizard is a slave to spiritual world. Middle
group of medial persons is composed by witchmen and witchwomen, these are
equal partners to spiritual world and they can agree on spiritual consensus.
They can curse a spell or break it as a result of god court. The third group
are wizards and priestesses. These are able to kill a soul. Their magical
abilities are a gift of higher spiritual power and if they misuse it, the
abilities are taken off from them. All human abilities are a gift and who
uses it well, his abilities are reinforced and visa versa. Violence and a
fight are predicated only to wizards and priestesses. These are able to
effectively stop every injustice. Witchmen and wizards fulfil spiritual
service especially in case of interest conflicts.
Rituals of natural faith have general rules: their sense is to provoke and
give energy in form of emotions and join beings (people and ghosts) with the
same sight. Cult rituals distinguish individual cults. To common rituals
there are two people, usually six persons, maximum ten persons. If the
number of parcipitating persons is permanently over ten, then the group is
divided into two on base of agreement where there is examined interests and
sights of individual persons and on base of closeness there are created new
groups. Divided groups meet once in a time to common ritual usually in
forests or in festival. Other form of ritual is a meeting of clan and every
clan has its own rituals. Spiritual world is interested in certain kind of
emotions, usually emotions of joining with sexuality and physical emotion,
then euphory, mania, ecstasy, total freedom, sometimes also sense of risk
and tense in competition and sense of nakedness. Everyone should find a
group in which he is provoked by pleasant feelings. The part of a ritual is
also giving energy to spiritual world and on the contrary acceptation of
information from spiritual world.

Natural faith respects these main principles:
1) act in good faith and in good will so that everybody could know it.
2) the base of your power is knowledge that you act right.
3) the planet is a cosmic ship that is your permanent home for a lot of
4) protect your privacy and respect a privacy of others.
5) develop your personal abilities so that you can work in a benefit of your
6) do not worry about anything, do not press for respect, show respect to
7) reasonably use all occasions which are offered
8) do not hurry up, act lastly and sensefully so that you do not need return
from blind way.
9) show respect to all beings because nobody thinks that he do not deserve
10) if a man should be good he must reach a satisfaction. Try to reach it
for yourself and for others.
Who is able to accept these principles, he is able to accept whole natural

And what to do with it? Simply accept and live according to that. To care of
own prosperity and not to spoil life of dissenters. To put problems to
wizards and witchs.
This is all what you can find on these sites. Nothing obligatory and if
somebody is missing something here he/she can add it by him/herself but
he/she can not force others to accept it, only to offer it. The natural
faith is not meant for organizing more than 50 persons social group and if
somebody wants to organize such group, then only on condition that he
will not limit other groups.
Natural faith is a faith of heart, on the contrary there is a faith in
heaven God, his kingdom and every ideology including ideology of big


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The first statement
Medial spiritual service
What does the natural faith offer?
What do you have to and what should you do
Conflicts and broils
Comunication with people
Comunication with ghosts
What will you do?
The way of magician
Life after death
Cult kodex
Anarchy system
Personal profile
A man vision
Society vision
How to survive
Historical vision
My story
Spiritual defence
Social system
Cults of Natural faith
Faith differences

Everyone can join the Natural faith without any contact with me.

The first statement