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Karmic and incarnation order, goodness and evil, establishment of genus



Man lives on this planet about milion years. But his destiny is very uncertain and prehistorical discoveries strenthten legends but not present scientific view for man development.Prehistoric time contains witness of extraordinary human abilities and big knowledge of Universe. Individual civilizations prospered since they did not come across the influence of another civilization. On the planet we can also find indices of visits of civilization from cosmos. It is interesting that we can find these marks in civilizations which were destryed. It seems that visitors from cosmos caused a split of earthly civilizations. It is a thing of faith but it is sure that contacts among civilizations led to conflicts and fights.

Not even school oppinion that mankind is still improving itself, is not convincing. On the contrary it seems that entropie of social systems of individual nations is still growing and in this chaos there is violence and evil. Problem of evil as a phenomenon is very complicated and manipulated for purpose. Definition of evil that evil exists because of lack of goodness can not be accepted because goodness is defined as a status without evil.

According to my definition evil is purposed act which should harm opponent that means a form of conflict and fight.

Manifestation of evil can be stopped only by authority. It can be winning side or higher power. The origin of evil is therefore intelligence, intelligent and thinking being and realizer of evil can be robot or biorobot, say thinking system which accepted evil program to realize it.


Executors of evil, no matter what their essence is, are managed by program or spirit, their essence is a thought. Therefore we can say that a thought is the strongest of all principles but also it means that through the thougt the evil can be removed. If we accept the idea that evil has its causes as everything around us than we can remove evil by removing causes or removing essential authors. Removing causes is meek but demanding form, removing essential authors of evil is quicker but violence form. Causes of evil and violence are removing within the framework of one social system, reciprocal liquidation of beings is a manifestation of confrontation between two separated social systems. In one social system the relationship is arranged by social agreement, in sociaty difference acting of subordinated component is defined by superior élite through laws and its influence keeps by sanctions. Power structures limit existentional space for subordinated entity so that they remove or at least minimalize risk of revolt and power take-over. Free is only entity which has its reciprocal contact with its own spiritual essence and it manages incarnation into its own population which is able to protect its élite, it has enough material items for existence of population and it decides about its own financial system of means of production. Living entity is only such which is built on the coexistence of existently and power independent cults, genuses and clans. Everything has to be subordinated to authority of order which arrange relationship and precedently improve itself in case of unexpected conflict which is analyzed and solved as a legal precedent.

My solution of social relationship is built on presumption that perfect and rightful social order, which combine entity into one macropower system is presumption of removing evil as a causal harming of opponents and enemies. Realization of this system should be on existence of cult and genus. Cult is a spiritual form of conflict and cooperation of spiritual and human world, where spiritual world protects men, it leads and inspires and then enters into incarnation and human world gives a share of life, living energy and access to material reality of world, which is source of a new knowledge. Cult in its privaty lives according to principles, limitation and recommendation which were brought by inspired persons as a message of gods who are in this case dominant