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Activity and sense of community New PLatea,
rules for coexistance and outline of normality.


New PLatea:

1) is a space for comunication among terrestial cults and for enforcing their entitled interests,
2) is a garantee for keeping cosmic laws and agreements here on Earth,
3) does the spiritual arbitration,
4) submits principles of spiritual activities of terrestrial cults for acceptation,
5) defines the contain of terrestrial nature and normality,
6) stipulates function of carmic system, incarnation and carrier order,
7) examines terrestrial reality and generates known causality,
8) protects its subjects and gives them coditions for existing and work.

Violence and chaos on this planet reached the uncontrollable level. The cause of it is evil and violence, which gained ground as a mean of earning force and power, and as a effort of an deffensive. There is a lot of results of this state and all of them are negative, for example a big number of deprivants, people with demadged personality, unability of solving conflicts other way than by force, shadows of enmity among nations as a result of wars, division of sociaty into privileges and suppliants, cult of fight and violence. The only solution which came now is to liquidation of a big number of spiritual beings which bore its guilty for this state. And what else? It is not possible to recognise gilty of individual entities, nations, cults and groups, because all of them committed violence. Some of them because of power and moral despotism and others because of their deffensive. The one and only entity which can be condemn is Pleyadans for their effort to take over the world by their selfish power. Their cults and subjects will be spread among individuals and those will be offered with a new way. There is nothing left but to put down new rules for coexistence, rules for normality and to support sanction power. Who does not accept them he/she will be incarnated only to an animal or he/she totaly ends. Rules are sufficiently liberal and tolerate so that everything that lies out of them is unaccaptable according to comfort coexistance. The aim is to reach harmony for sociaty and personal and spiritual growth of personality.

1) Cosmic people

Cosmic man is every inteligent being who considers himself as a cosmic man. This form was established for realization of movement law of spiritual beings and for consensus between cosmic and earthly cults. It does not do any activities as a spiritual group (cult, sect or church), it is only presuppsion for basic rules for earthly cults and for their recognation from cosmic cults. The Earth planet should be a safe place for cosmic travelers and cosmic travelers must not be any risk for the planet.

Anyone who comes on Earth from the other planet, can be considered as

1) a guest if he behaves as a guest here,
2) an earthly man if there is no difference between us and him,
3) a delegate if he is entitled to do it and he does not act powerfully against interests of this planet,
4) an alien or wilful man if he enforces his own power interests.

Whoever leaves for other planets, he can go under these conditions:
1) he leaves as a voluntarily on the basis of knowledge decision of situation to which he goes
2) he has a possibility of returning, if he decide to turn back and the real reason is not essential.
3) cosmic people who were here on the planet in one incarnation, can go back and no condition is define.
4) entities which do a slave from an earthly man or they make enemies from a man, will be forbidden to enter.


2) Terrestrial people

Terrestrial man is an inteligent being able to selfbringing up, born from a body here on Earth at least in the second carnation if he considers himself as a terrestrial man and he presumes that the next incarnation will be here on this planet.

As a terrestrial cult can be define only those who

1) do not attract nobody on other planets and do not enforce heaven kingdom and do not invite foreign entities,
2) respect terrestrial human nature and do not change it,
3) cults present their life style and their own cult habits in harmony with nature of man,
4) the basis of their activity is spiritism, the origin religion can be consider as animism and shamanism.
5) they revere terrestrial creation, human body, human happiness and delight,
6) individual terrestrial cults establish genuses and they take part in political administration.
7) whoever is a grown up being and he has right to respect, homage and next personal and spiritual growth
8) terrestrial man needs love as a possitive energy for his life.


3) Nations and their rights

1) nation is a big social group which differ from one another by its own spiritism and culture.
2) every nation can have its own language but one language should be common for all and it should be esperanto.
3) nation has its right to its own territory and indipendent social system
4) only on its own territory the nation can have armed powers for its deffence and for help at a pinch.
5) nature wealth is unstealeable and every nation defines the price in which it leave its wealth for another nation.
6) no nation can harm another one by its activity and existence for example by nature pollution.
7) another nation can not be forced to anything by power, no goods nor services and all agreement must be profitable for one another.
8) every conflict must be solved by peaceful means and historical experiences will fulfil the supranational arbitrational order.


4) Religion and cults

1) every religion is joined with a nation and its territory. Whoever crosses to a foreign territory permanently, he must accept their faith.
2) religious freedom lies in free choice of religion which belongs to the territory if the choice exists.
3) the basis of every territorial religion is spiritism that is spiritual cooperation with own spiritual world.
4) part of catechezation must not be enmity to another terrestrial cult.
5) every cult brings orders, prohibitions and recommandations with regard to life style and ethics.
6) ethics norms supported by religion must solve all areas of power, social and personal life.
7) the spiritual service can be every inspired activity including future predicting and healing.
8) individual religions can start and end in annouced term "end of the world". The next one is in 6000.


5) Earthly nature

1) terrestrial nature is approval archetype and can not be harmed and demadged.
2) terrestrial nature forms enviroment and belongs to all.
3) living nature forms kilds of plants and animals and it is necessary to protect all of them except parasites.
4) water areas, fields and woods can not be fenced except gardens
5) each territory has its own administrator who takes care of conservation nature and its optimal utilization.
6) administrator of public access territory must accept will of autonomy as a adminitrative partner.
7) each of endangered species is automaticly protected, each of outbreak species is possible to liquidate.
8) Laws of nature protection should optimize interests of nature and its utilization.


6) Personal privacy and personal ownership

1) privacy is considered as a space and activity which do not touch other subjects.
2) if a man needs help of his surroundings or compromises it is not privacy.
3) sexuality, satisfaction and delight belong to privacy of man
4) personal means in form of estates must be distinguished from estates of legal subjects, for example productive.
5) for satisfaction of life needs of man and his family it is necessary to define limits of incomes on level of 25 times more than minimum salary. Lower level leads to egalitarianism and blocks personal and spriritual growth, higher level leads to social restlessness and separates social elité. Distribution of incomes should be in this spectrum on an even keel devided according to social level of professions.
6) enter to man privacy, family and social group is modified by rules. Usual status is a member, a guest and an alien.
7) private life can be entirely according to our own idea but it should be "normalized" according to recommendation of cult no to arise conflicts in new partnership of persons of different families especialy in value and ethic level.
8) it is possible to enter to privacy by power if there is an abuse of health or of individual rights.
9) do not do good or evil to anyone untill he/she asks you to
10) you can judge anything but only for yourself and for someone who charges you to do it.
11) it is not possible to take anything from anyone by punishment or by recovery of demadge. He must be left with quarters with basic equipment and personal things.
12) level and equipment of family are limited by personal incomes.
13) the basic privacy is considered as a own room with social equipment and room for work.
14) also in case that a person lives in community or in common rooms, he/she should have its privacy.
15) life partners have generally shared privacy except space for individual work.
16) whoever is a witness of activity in privacy of someone else, keeps it for him/herself.


7) Productive means

1) technical intensiveness of production and importance for state is decisive for dividing productive means.
2) everyeach product is a mean to improve in domain of creation and it should involve the biggest number of people as possible.
3) production should be subordinated by consumption and interests of a market.
4) production can not be a mean of reducing to slavery of people.
5) the center of production should be in middle level it means in trade and cooperation.
6) taxes can not be higher than the social need and at a level which liquidate their source.
7) estate rights hang with production and they should be protected by power and handed from one generation to another.
8) technologically demanding production should be made in big series.


8) Social assurance and health

1) life and health of a man belong to social priorities.
2) care of health is joined with bussiness and finance but the health must be the priority.
3) if a man suffers too much euthanasia can be allowed but under the condition that a pacient decides about it and family is annouced about that decision. It must be done so that a soul comes out of a body.
4) during giving birth a father should be present and a incarnational person to asure right incarnation
5) social assurance is an evident part of health society.
6) financial evaluation of good work should be so high that people would not search rescue in social net.
7) it is not possible to put on people such burden they are not able to bear, they can not be left in impass.
8) social place of a man and his hopes must not call fear and distress.


9) Human rights and freedom

1) every man has a right to a name, place in society, private estate, protection from ill-nature and harm
2) a child should have at least one of an adult person to whom he/she could have absolute confidence.
3) every man has a right to free choice of a partner and social group.
4) basic human freedom is a right to personal oppinions and its saying, faith and judgement of his/her surrounding.
5) every man and every subject has a right to privacy and its protection.
6) every man has a right to deny taking part in a fight or to take part in a fight
7) rights and freedom announced by a state (society) are stipulated by a state and involve all citizens.
8) everyone has a right to choose his/her life style in his/her own limits.


10) Limits of normality, what can be considered as normal

1) every society broad-mindedly defines the limits for normality with the aim of oppinion agreement among its members.
2) everyone should act the way everyone could know about it and he was able to vindicate it.
3) normal is everything what answers to ideas of system and that is why the system should be broad-minded.
4) what is not normal can be also wrong, supralimited, but also functional in other system.
5) everything that is system is normal. The aim is to create a harmonic system including all subjects.
6) everything that gets on out of a system and all that is problematic in the system, is disrupting.
7) if someone acts good and his surrounding deprecates him then he is in a wrong system.
8) normality should come from human nature that means from acts of a man who is not loaded by knowledges of system and its demands.


11) Spiritual wealth and education

1) reality products data in form of pictures of its existence, accepted data are information and a part of information is knowledge.
2) right knowledges of reality are sources of personal power.
3) ideas of reality are given to a man by education, school and selfeducation on the basis of personal experiences and given information.
4) as well as reality is totaly connected, there must be logical link and analogy in knowledges to it.
5) knowledges are spiritual wealth which leads a man and other subjects to success the same way as a software of a computer.
6) all forms of information are best transfered in spiritual atmosphere and now also in data net.
7) within friendly system there is an access to all information, in not friendly system the information are disquised and it substitutes lies.
8) legal protection of spiritual wealth must not inhibit its spreading and utilization.


12) Career order

1) career order is a public announcement how to establish oneself in society how to gain a prestigious situation.
2) within the career order everyone must have the same possibilities
3) career prestige is define by intensiveness, creativeness, responsibility, maturity, especiality and importance of a post.
4) everyone who endeavours the social post must demonstrate that he is able to successfully stand it.
5) whoever wants to rise in his career must present how he worked in lower posts.
6) if the promotion is connected to dedication then there is a suspicion that there are interests of other system.
7) within the dispute about one prestigeous post the right is on the side of higher subject and it is not obliged to say reasons for the decision.
8) if there is a crash of carer order, the society looses the right to existence and a new society is created.


13) Carmic credit

1) carmic credit is a result of evaluation of personal acts in according to personal conscience.
2) there is evalueated the aim, realization of acts and its valuation.
3) carmic credit defines new incarnation and every new incarnation establishes its own new credit.
4) financial evaluation must be in harmony of carmic credit.
5) carmic credit enforces these characteristics: diligence, utility, candour, sympathy, kindness, abstention, honesty, creative, justice, empathy, friendship, reability, endurance, conciliatory, patience, confidence, truetelling, self-sacrife, and others.
6) carma does not load suiside atack.
7) carma does not load enforcing legal demands.
8) everything must be solved by very meak but efficient means


14) Power genuses and administration of society

1) power genus is established on the basis of ability to communicate between human and spiritual world and vontrol of incarnation.
2) power genus contains own and guest beings and writes genealogic list of them.
3) higher subject than genus is cult. Cult presents common spiritual, value and oppinion system.
4) the priority of genus is enforcing own power on the basis of political favour and transfering heirship to other generations.
5) every power focuses on peace and harmony in its system.
6) there is no difference between the status of men and women within the genus and public functions.
7) advantage is transfering heirship to own sons but adoption from the own cult is equivalent.
8) power genus enforces for its power and influence by legal way or by other not violent way.


15) Conflicts, conciliation, arbitration and court

1) whoever has a right to raise a conflict if he feels he is unjustified limited or cheated.
2) it is necessary to solve all contacts on the argument level it means agreement and good will.
3) who does not persuade opponent by factual arguments, he must give way or suggest compromise.
4) whatever is asked for himself must be accepted as a right for others.
5) conflicts can be solved only within one same system it means own or in one that sheltered.
6) whoever can not renew harmony in himself by his own powers, he can ask for higher power (for example policy, superior).
7) it is necessary to take information from a conflict, examine it and to remove causes of conflicts
8) a part of education is a set of information how to prevent conflicts and how to calm them and solve them.


16) Harmonic society

1) everyone should act in good will, in good faith and he should assume that acting also by others.
2) laws, principles and norms of acting must be simple, definite, dateless and tabular.
3) social harmony is based on satisfaction of all members/subjects.
4) the aim of social acting (administration, services, agreements) is to reach the satisfaction, another enforce is not necessary.
5) unsatisfaction disturbs harmony and therefore it is necessary to search and remove its causes.
6) satisfaction is a inner state and it can be influenced by education. Also low expectation leads to satisfaction.
7) in harmonic society every subject has a higher price than in conflict society.
8) harmony of relationship and society is essential assuption for its long perspective and existence.


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