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Perspektivism - man

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GOD  SYSTEM  MAN     TEZE: -A-  -B-  -C-  -D-  -E-

Part 3 earthy man - living conditions
101 MAN Earthy man is a authorised cosmic archetyp. It is not allowed to devastate or liquidate him. The change of kind can be allowed only by cosmic intelligence together with earthy consensus. archetyp
102 MAN Man is created for certain stress and it is individual. It is not allowed to overstressed him. stress
103 MAN Common human features are human nature. nature
104 MAN Man needs work stress. Ability to manage with stress can be developed in form of toughness. stress
105 MAN Man without stress degenerates. degeneration
106 MAN It is necessary to satisfy human needs. Unsatisfied needs create feeling of frustration. Long lasting frustration leads to demonisation and deprivation. This way broken person becomes evil, does harm and revenges. needs
107 MAN If broken persons join they are able to do terrorism. The fight against the terrorism lies in removing its causes. terorism
108 MAN Every man acts according to his character and its abilities. Character is created by faith and skills are developed by society on base of talent. action
109 MAN Every man chooses his own personal guide and he himself decides about who is going to guide him. guide
110 MAN None can keep in his influence any being against his will as his guide or in other reason. devotion
111 MAN Every man has his character, imagination and values. It is showed in his life style. values
life style
112 MAN People associate on base of their interests, values and goals. associating
113 MAN Historical and social experience has created and admitted human rights. Among basic right there belong religious liberty, possibility of associating and expressing of opinions. human rights
114 MAN Any social link can exist only on base of voluntary. social links
115 MAN Religious liberty must be respected by all cults and churches. religious liberty
116 MAN Everything that wakes nice feelings in a man is good, what wakes displeasure is bad. feelings
117 MAN Size of freedom is defined by size of personal influence on actions and state of surrounding. personal influence
118 MAN Everything that is good can evoke dependence. dependence
119 MAN Dependence can be enforced by spiritual influence. dependence
120 MAN Human sexuality is in competence of parting persons if they are older than 16 years. sexuality
121 MAN Family and its tradition decide about sexual education of persons younger than 16 years. sexuality
122 MAN Text of Declaration of human rights and freedoms must be reachable for everyone. human rights
123 MAN To keep long lasting perspective individuals associate in (power) clan. clan
124 MAN Man must be sure that his rightful interests can be enforced. rightful interests
125 MAN For development of human personality it is necessary to grow in personal and spiritual areas. personal growth
126 MAN Everything that limits human activity must be rationally motivated. Useless limits are not for benefit of a man. limits
127 MAN Personal post is defined by skills and abilities on base of career rank. post
career rank
128 MAN Everyone has to have the same possibilities and chances expressed in career rank chances
career rank
129 MAN Badwill power, death illness, indeterminateness, violence, wars must be removed. evil
130 MAN Man who repeatedly brake social agreement can not have advantages which are offered in it. right
131 MAN Society must create conditions for fulfilling life tasks, especially for creative work. life task
132 MAN In his own interest man has to become closer to nature and to be able to live in it. nature


Human spirit is one who was created in human incarnations.
152 HUMAN SPIRIT Human life lasts a couple of milleniums and it is shifted between life in a body among people and in bard among ghosts.
153 HUMAN SPIRIT Human and spiritual world must cooperate.
154 HUMAN SPIRIT Man has to realize that also he will be a ghost once and that is why he has to be helpful to spiritual world.
155 HUMAN SPIRIT Spiritual world has a part in human life in man presence.


Man has a part in spiritual life in ghost presence.